Gravity Works...and gravity SUCKS!
I got my first paying gig here in Nebraska. My client wanted "lifestyle" stuff...sunset over the lake, kids playing, shoppers outside a store... I knew from last year that there was snow coming, and I wanted to get some of these pictures before everything was frozen and white. So, I went off to shoot the neighborhoods the client 35 or so degree weather. On the seventh, or maybe eighth stop, I saw these two guys in a rowboat, with this brilliant red sunset behind them. Great lifestyle shot, if I could get it, so I leaped out of the car with the tripod in one hand and the camera in the other. Well, you can't adjust a tripod with a hand full of camera, so I decided to loop the strap around my neck. I missed. The strap passed over my head, and my fingers were so cold I lost my grip on the camera. It fell...from, oh, head height or so...landed on the (cheap kit) lens...on concrete. I found shattered pieces of plastic inside the camera body from the lens bod...