Friday Challenge: Road Trip to Heck
This post is an entry into The Friday Challenge . This week's challenge: The Road Trip. I. Your mission, should you choose to accept it... "How would you like to take a photography trip? All by yourself?" This was quite a surprise. I was actually speechless for a moment, and so shocked that I missed a chunk of the description. "...and he's going to sleep on our couch for a few weeks until he gets on his feet. I thought, just maybe, you'd like to take a day to drive out to meet him halfway, and bring me lots of nice pictures along the way." "Are you sure we can do this? I mean, money is tight, and..." "It's a three-day weekend," she said, "immediately followed by payday. We've got enough to get you to the Colorado Springs bus station, and he'll have enough to get you back. We can do this." "I don't know..." "Pack your camera," she said. I packed my camera. II. Choose your route...