...you call this Freedom...?

I have to ask permission to drive, marry, hunt, fish, build a house, start a business, carry a firearm, or travel out of the country. And if I travel by air, you reserve the right to irradiate me, view me through a scanner that looks past clothing, and run your hands over my body. You take a bite out of every paycheck, a cut of every purchase, and even the lion's share of the estate when I'm gone. If I have employees, you decree how much I may pay them and how much I must pay you for hiring each of them. You control what my kids learn in school. You claim the power to restrict what I put into my body. You read my email, listen in on my phone calls, and steal my property if I'm even suspected of a crime. Not charged, mind you...but simply suspected. You claim the right to decide what treatments my physician can use to heal me. You jail more of your own citizens than any other country in the world. You send our youth off to kil...